It is a thing of the past to have this as an ‘ideal’ body measurement for Women. Today’s evolved and non-judgemental era acknowledges that all Women’s (and Men’s) bodies are uniquely made, with different measurements, colour and characteristics. It is unrealistic to expect Women to hold up to such extreme ‘ideal body’ expectations.
Thinking of fresh gift ideas can get really tough when you are shopping for your dear ones. But here’s something that would surely make them beam with joy: Fashionable daily wear body shapers – a gift of confidence!
Did you know that wearing the wrong bra size could affect not just your comfort but cause damage to your breast tissue as well? But don’t worry! Now that we are here, we’ll guide you all the way through support, fitting and construction to help you find that perfect fit. So Let’s get started!
Did you know that sports bra is more than just a work-out accessory? Well we are not kidding. Many doctors and industry experts are of the opinion that sports bra not just offers several health benefits but also helps keep the breasts in shape.
Brassieres or Bras don’t fall into the category of ‘just a body-supporting undergarment’ in a Woman’s closet. They are an essential part of her daily ‘what to wear’ decisions. A great bra can make a woman appear contoured, polished and well-groomed. And shaping bras go a step further in enhancing the overall ‘grace’ and ‘vibe’ of the wearer; giving an instant boost to their confidence levels!