Simply put, a slimming belt reduces your abdominal midsection by the compression of fat cells. Typically, they are elastic wraps that shape your body. They offer a supportive solution to quickly obtain a slender silhouette.
Shapewear have become one of the most widely used apparel in recent times. Although its popularity has grown multifold, there are still some misconceptions and queries regarding them. One of the major one being can you buy women shapewear that is one size smaller? Not only is it not a recommended practice, but also opting for shapewear that are smaller can result in some pretty serious health concerns.
Who doesn’t desire a slim and slick figure, but very few are able to achieve it. Some are naturally blessed (we envy you) while some use an additional boost of shapewear. While a body shaper can fetch you the curves and silhouette you need to fit into your dream dress, it is important to understand which shapewear goes with which outfit.
How should you choose a Shapewear? How long should you wear it? Does it really work? These are some of the many queries that we receive from our customers. In this blog, we’ll try to answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions, to help you better understand how you can buy the perfect Shapewear to “Shape up with Confidence”.
Ohh, the agony and troubles we have to go through to reduce those love handles and paunches. If you’re someone who’s wondering as to how to loose back fat, you’re at the right place. The first to come and last to go, back fat is that annoying band of extra chub that clings to the back muscles creating a fold of skin above the waistline. Like belly fat, oblique fat or back fat can be pretty onerous to get rid of. It might be a tad difficult to reduce it, but with the right information and a bit of perseverance, you can effectively reduce it.
Shapewears have come a long way, from just a celebrity fad to a garment that can be found in almost everyone’s wardrobe. Body Shapers are looked upon as life savers as it goes that extra mile to make you look at your gorgeous best for those special occasions. But does your favourite Shapewear has any repercussions?
Have you ever been jealous of those scintillating curves that can be seen on T.V. celebrities like Kardashians? Well you’re not the only one. Almost every one of us wants those gorgeous curves that makes any outfit to fit as a dream.
The struggle is real when it comes to choosing Shapewears for Plus Size women that are both comfortable and slimming. The dilemma that majority of them face is because they have to choose between comfort and style. Well, what if we say that you don’t have to sacrifice with either of them? Yes, the advent of Shapewears has made it feasible for women to look great in those figure flattering dresses without compromising on their comfort.
Exhausted from trying out outfits without actually finding the perfect one for you? Don’t have a clue about how you should go on looking for outfits that compliment your body shape? Well these are only some of the complications faced by a plus sized woman. It’s also not helped by the fact that they don’t have many stylists or public figures they could refer to. Also, the information available is too scattered and complicated. That's where we come in. In this blog we help you, by giving tips to choose the perfect apparel for your shape, without compromising on your comfort and style.
It’s that time of the Year. Excitement combined with aspirations and goals for the Year that lies ahead. Eager to write a whole new chapter on the fresh pages of the New Year. No matter how you got through the last year, whether you braced through the finish line, or merely crawled through it, start this New Year as it is, a fresh new opportunity.
Ladies, have you come across articles that tell you it’s harmful to wear bras while sleeping? I’m sure that for every woman who has come across such an article there will be another woman who has read that it’s beneficial to wear bras while sleeping. So who’s right here? Well we are here to solve your dilemma, not entirely but we’ll lay down the facts for you and then you can decide for yourself.
In this age of uncountable fitness regimes, technology and surgeries are Shapewears really worth it? We can understand your reservations about the same. In this blog we’ll lay out all the facts and benefits of a Shapewear, so you can decide for yourself.